Friday, October 28, 2011

Closing in on Transition Time

It's getting to be that time of year when we cold-footers begin to think about ice fishing season. Some years we're on the ice by Thanksgiving. Other years it's more like Christmas. But I need to go through my equipment and make sure that fish-finder batteries are still good, that reels are spooled up with fresh mono, and that we have some early ideas as to where we want to do our fishing this year. Success rates have been down the past 2 seasons, so I'd like to just think that things will improve this year. We deserve better than we've been getting. Come on ice!

One thing I HAVE to do this year is down-size my load of "stuff" that I try to haul out onto the ice. Too much weight, and I'm getting too old to keep up with the boys as they scoot across the ice with their sleds. I carry too many lures and such. I've got to get a small bag and just place the bare minimum in there for fishing use. Of course, I still need to find a place for Mr. Heater to ride along.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rainbows at Strawberry

The rainbows were really biting well at Strawberry last weekend. We caught about 4 to 1 rainbows over cutts. And the cutthroats had little size to them. But we weren't upset; Jon, Paul and I all caught some fish. So it was a good day. We used crawfish colored tube jigs early, and then switched to white Rooster-Tails as the sun climbed higher in the sky. The trout were rather shallow, and we only trolled with mono. The bite was pretty continuous, and if we'd have caught all the fish that gave us hits, we'd have caught a bunch! But that's Strawberry. You never know what you're going to get. For example, we had perfectly calm water all morning, and then the wind blew up big time at noon. We had to make our way slowly across the bay to make it back safely to the marina. - We did see some kokanee in the river, by the way. The biggest part of the spawn is over, but a few fish remain in the stream.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Annual Kokanee Run

This picture was taken by an unknown photographer who captured the kokanee salmon run in a place called Taylor Creek. I just had to post it here. The kokes are running up the Strawberry River right now too. I need to get up there to see some of the action.

Meet Trevor

Trevor Balls thanks the duck gods for a good morning on the pond.

He is big into both fishing and hunting. So he fits right into the family! I've been fortunate that way. Above is a picture of his hunting partner, Boomer, and some of the ducks they took early one morning near Willard.