Friday, November 14, 2014

Big Day at Lost Creek

Jon and I did a half-day at Lost Creek last Saturday, and he just knocked them dead! I caught one nice cutthroat on a black Rooster-Tail, but Jon was using an orange squid tipped with a worm, behind a pink and silver dodger. He easily caught more than 20 fish, and about 5 were the larger cutts like you see in the photo. 18+", and full of fight. Fish numbers are high, and the new slot limit seems to be helping the cutthroats grow.
We're excited for ice fishing up there now. Boating weather has just about passed us by. Cold and snowy weather has moved in, and pushed out our beautiful fall that we enjoyed.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Good time, few fish

An overnighter to East Canyon Reservoir didn't produce but 2 hits, and one trout. But Macy and Paxton had a great time anyway!
We slept in our vehicles rather than do battle with a tent for just one night. Both trucks fold down seats in the back and make for a sleeping area. We cooked chicken nuggets and fries over the fire, and then made s'mores. We had a good time even though the trout fishing and crayfish hunting was poor. We found the only cooperative fish near the surface.

Aren't those some good looking grandkids?!?!?

Friday, August 1, 2014

More Bear Lake Results

I just received these shots from my son-in-law Kris, and thought I'd post them, too.
A nice cutthroat of my own, and one that Paxton caught with the help of his dad.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Bear Lake Reunion fish excursions

We caught some nice native cutthroat from Bear Lake during out July, 2014 family reunion. No big lake trout this year, but everybody caught something. The grandsons included! All had to be immediately released because they were natives, so we had no smoked fish on this trip. But we did have a good time trolling with downriggers from 35 to 55 feet down.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Flaming Gorge - June, 2014

Jon and I went on a 2 day adventure to Flaming Gorge with guide Ashley Bonser. Highlights included a 25 pound lake trout, including several smaller ones. Kokanee salmon and rainbow trout were also a part of our limit. We released the bigger lakers so they would continue to offer good fishing for years to come. That 25 pounder was likely 30 years old!
We brought home some beautiful salmon and trout fillets for the smoker and the frying pan. The weather was the only inconsistent factor we had; everything from wind to snow to sunshine! We'll be going back, for sure!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Strawberry Full Moon

Cindy always tells me not to go fishing on a full moon. Well we went anyway, but as the moon would have it, we did very poorly. We saw fish on the finder, but getting them to bite was a real problem. I had only 2 bites, hooked one and lost him on the way up. Cam caught 2; a cutthroat and a cuttbow. Here he poses with the nice cutt. I guess we'll wait a couple of weeks and then go again. The lake is frozen over big-time, and won't be melting for a while. Strawberry is often fishable from the ice into April.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ice Fishing Picture

My 4 year old grandson, Paxton, drew this picture about his ice fishing experiences. He spent a lot of time on it, and no one knew what he was doing until he showed us the final product. You can't tell me that experiences like this don't make a lasting impression on kids! He has our little tent-city drawn in with us inside keeping warm and fishing with our poles. And the fish below are the ones we were catching that day. I was amazed how he had the cut-away view showing below the ice as well. He's very creative for only 4.
Way to go, Pax!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Back to Mantua

Cam and Jake went to Mantua today with some scouts. Jake poses here with a nice bass he caught. Jon, Paxton, and Paul also went along. It snowed 4 inches on us while there. Fun day on the ice!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Mantua Grand Slam

New Year's Day found us on the ice again, this time at Mantua Reservoir. Jon, Paxton and I went up early to try to get in on the morning bite. And did we ever! I saw fish on the finder, and caught fish continually until we left about 2:00pm. I caught the Grand Slam for that lake:  largemouth bass, perch, bluegill, and rainbow trout.
Paxton had a ball, and is learning better every trip how to recognize a bite and set the hook. We had a great time.
The sun was out, very little breeze, if any, and temps in the 20's. A perfect day. We kept enough fish for a meal or two, and put the fillet knife to them that evening.