Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ice Fishing Picture

My 4 year old grandson, Paxton, drew this picture about his ice fishing experiences. He spent a lot of time on it, and no one knew what he was doing until he showed us the final product. You can't tell me that experiences like this don't make a lasting impression on kids! He has our little tent-city drawn in with us inside keeping warm and fishing with our poles. And the fish below are the ones we were catching that day. I was amazed how he had the cut-away view showing below the ice as well. He's very creative for only 4.
Way to go, Pax!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Back to Mantua

Cam and Jake went to Mantua today with some scouts. Jake poses here with a nice bass he caught. Jon, Paxton, and Paul also went along. It snowed 4 inches on us while there. Fun day on the ice!