Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Meet the sons-in-law: JON

Jon is an avid fisherman, excited for the next trip days before it comes along. He enjoys sharing his knowledge, too. And that comes in handy with his Church calling with the young men and their Scout Troop. Jon caught this 36-inch, 20 pound lake trout (mackinaw) in the early morning light at Flaming Gorge. We have plans to return to big lake in October, 2008, to catch some hungry pre-spawn lakers. Nice going, Jon!

Jon is also a "big fish" angler in our family. This tiger muskie hit a small jig on 6-pound test monofilament. And despite those sharp teeth and powerful body, Jon brought this big guy in for a quick measurement (27 inches) and safe release. This makes 4 or 5 muskies for Jon this season; I lost count!

Another Pineview resident is the smallmouth bass. This bronzeback also hit a jig fished slowly on the bottom, and gave a tremendous rod-thumping fight before letting me snap his picture. The fish was released unharmed!

Strawberry Reservoir is another of our favorite fishing spots. Here Jon shows a bright, spotted cutthroat trout!

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