Stringers full of spring crappies are just about my favorite fish to both eat and catch. We got into them really well from about April until June. We had our best success attacking them from float tubes, and dropping 2-inch grubs and jigs into weed patches, brush tops, and the edges of moss beds. Great fun!

My uncle Gene came out to visit and fish a couple of times over the years. One of the highlights was a day in Idaho where he fly fished his way to what he later called, "The greatest fish catching day of my life!" To say I was pleased is hardly adequate.

My sweetheart Cindy and I pose by a morning's catch of halibut. At least on this day, I finally caught the biggest fish. But Cindy still trumped us all; while the rest of us were initially doing battle with sharks and giant cod 200 feet down, Cindy went 1 - 2 with her limit of halibut, and was done! We were exhausted before completing our catch, but it was well worth every ache. My 2 halibut went 65 & 63 pounds. The biggest caught that day.

With Cindy as chef, every fish dinner is memorable. All is homemade, from coleslaw to baked beans to hushpuppies!

Now here's a story: Debbi went with me one Saturday morning to chase crappie and smallmouth. We fished so hard, and produced so little, that I was afraid that Deb would never go with me again. As we trolled back toward the marina, dragging deep-diving crankbaits for smallies, my pole took a hard nose dive. As soon as I picked up the rod and felt the huge head shake, I knew what I had. Debbi ran to the upper end of the boat, and threatened to not budge until I got rid of that thing. I had to beg her to bring me the net when I got him up toward the boat. She came half way and threw it at me! But we got that monster! 40-inches and 22 pounds worth!
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