This isn't the actual "BIG one" of the day, but one just like him walked out into the road on us this morning as we were on our way to Pineview to go fishing. Fortunately for both him and the front end of my truck, I managed to brake hard and move enough right to miss him. At the moment, all I could see out the windshield was legs and belly. These guys are monsters. Once he meandered off the road, I turned the truck to face him and the headlights showed us the nice rack he carried, and the cow who must have crossed just in front of him. I don't mind a big one like that getting away!

One of Jon's smallmouth bass of the day. Only slight breezes, but with the temps barely reaching 50, we were pretty chilled by the time we left.

Jon got this shot of the 5 crappies I kept for filleting. I jigged them up out of ~20 feet of water, and had a fun time catching them. No tiger muskies on this day, but one had some healed teethmarks on its backside!

This big female was just over 13-inches, and as you can see quite healthy.
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