Our apricot tree is turning for the fall season, and it reminds me of ... me. Still standing there, mostly alone, showing signs of age, grudgingly dropping leaves now that the fruitful season is over. I'm glad to have a busy wife by my side, wonderful daughters, and sons-in-law who still don't mind if I tag along on fishing trips. And the grandkids; they still allow you to be young and playful whenever they're around.
Who among us sees a pile of autumn leaves on the ground, and thinks, "Work"? As oppossed to a child, who sees them and thinks, "Play!"

Here's a cold water sample of a tiger muskie. Jon caught this "snake with teeth" early one morning while out with his family.

Jon gave me this shot of a tiger trout in fall spawning colors. Interestingly, these fish are sterile hybrids, and do not reproduce. However we still get to benefit from their display of brilliance when cold weather starts moving in.

Jon also has gotten into hiking into the Uinta Mountains to fish for beautiful brookies, and this unique species: Arctic grayling. Distinguished by the very tall dorsal fin. they are not found in very many areas of the continental US. But we're lucky enough to have them.

This is my next goal of a specie that I want to catch, but as yet haven't. Jon and I did a hike-in to go after these unique beauties, but all I caught that day was gorgeous brookies. On the other hand, Jon caught several arctic grayling that day!