We took a Saturday trip to Strawberry before the road into the Marina is closed for the year, due to heavy snowfall and a diminished budget for snowplows. Pretty sad; we wanted to go back several times this season. But the snow is amazingly deep -- 5 feet or so in the parking area they've been plowing. And they just about ran out of room to pile the stuff! The ice was so thick, Jon buried out power auger up to the motor to cut through it all. That's 3+ feet of snow and ice covering the big lake.
We took snowmobiles out of the Marina to get out to a spot where we could get both cutthroats, and a possible kokanee salmon. We did get 3 kokes; Pax caught one, and I got two. It was a cold day: -12F when we arrived. But the sun was out, and in my black tent I didn't even need to fire up the heater.
Jon cooked some hotdogs for us, so we had a warm meal to boot.
What a great day we had! Lots of fish and lots of winter fun!